NJ’s Best Window Specialists Discuss Aluminum and Vinyl Windows

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When you need new windows, should you choose aluminum or vinyl? Whether you are replacing only the windows in your private residence, or replacing multiple windows for a multifamily or commercial property, you want the best windows in New Jersey. Keep reading to see if aluminum or vinyl windows are a better choice for your property!

Benefits of Aluminum Windows in Northern NJ

Aluminum windows are known for being sturdy—they can stand up to anything due to a high impact ratio and high structural integrity. This means that aluminum windows are often used for very large windows, or in areas where severe weather like hurricanes or tornadoes often come through. Aluminum windows are also associated with better noise insulation and can be more resistant to break-ins, due to their sturdiness.

Here’s Why NJ Homeowners Love Vinyl Windows

If aluminum windows have so many benefits, why do homeowners love vinyl windows? Vinyl windows offer their own set of benefits, starting with a lower upfront cost in most cases. Vinyl windows can come in a wider variety of colors, including a wood-grain color that can coordinate with older home styles. They do not require a lot of maintenance, and they can be very energy-efficient. Unlike aluminum windows, which can rust, vinyl is naturally resistant to water. Vinyl windows are some of the most popular choices for window installation in NJ.

Are There Window Options Other Than Vinyl or Aluminum?

If vinyl or aluminum windows aren’t your style, you have some other options. Many older homes were originally built with wooden windows, and while you can install those, most window installers won’t recommend it. They don’t last very long, and can struggle to stand up to the NJ weather as they are vulnerable to water damage. Instead, consider newer options, like hybrid window frames that combine the best of both the vinyl and aluminum windows. These are costly up-front, but provide the best benefits outlined above without the drawbacks.

Which window is right for your home? NJ’s best window installers at American Architectural Window and Door can help you choose!